Fenugreek-for diabetes


Fenugreek____ for Diabetes

Fenugreek is an annual plant of the family Fabaceae its scientific name is Trigonella  foenum-gracium. It is also known by the names Greek hayseed, methi, alholva, and Bird’s foot. It is a wonder herb and is widely used in Ayurvedic preparations, in the treatment of ulcers, cancer, and control of hypocholesterolemic effects. It is frequently used as a condiment and flavor enhancer in different foods. Due to its beneficial nutritional properties and rich mineral content, it is being used in traditional medicine practices for long. Being rich in dietary fiber helps to control heart diseases, blood pressure, excess body fluids, and diabetes.


The hypoglycemic property of fenugreek was observed in diabetic patients.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, says that
the seeds are a rich source of Galactomannan, a compound that reduces the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates thus helping to make the blood glucose level lower
The American journal of the health of Health-System Pharmacy says that fenugreek seeds are rich in proteins and contain amino acid 4-hydroxy isoleucine (4-OH-ILe). In people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the amino acid 4-OH-ILe helps to stimulate insulin secretion and improve glucose tolerance by improving conditions of the pancreatic beta cells.

The fenugreek powder also helps to restore the concentration and the activity of enzymes pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, these enzymes are used in glycolysis.
The seeds contain compound Trigonilline, which is antidiabetic and decrease blood glucose level by increasing insulin action.

Methods to use fenugreek seeds

1.    Roast the seeds on medium heat, grind finely and then use with salads and other dishes of your choice
2.    Soak some amount of seeds in water overnight and drink in the morning with a glass of water
3.    Seeds can be added to tortillas and chapatis which are to be eaten
4.    Different herbal teas can be made using the seeds, additional ingredients like cinnamon, lemon and honey can be used to make the tea more delightful
5.    Fenugreek seed the powder is available everywhere in the market


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